Auckland’s specialists for application of torched-on waterproof membranes for block walls.

There’s nothing worse than a below ground concrete block wall that’s leaking water. If you’re dealing with a leak, or building a home with a block wall that will end up underground, it would pay to call 0508 4 Digger. Our team have 25 years’ experience when it comes to waterproofing concrete block walls. We can excavate, waterproof your walls, install nova coil drainage and backfill to leave your property waterproof and protected. We’re able to work directly from your plans or liaise with your builder to prepare the groundwork you need – and we’ll get it right first time.

We prefer Viking’s waterproof membrane Mercury, that’s 4mm thick and applied via torch to ensure a seamless finish. Viking Mercury represents the industry standard, so you can be assured of a quality waterproofing outcome that won’t let you down.

Whether your block wall is buried to 500mm or 3 metres, we can complete your waterproofing requirements as a one-stop solution. We also provide our own trucks to remove ground from your site as we go, and can deliver base metals or scoria as required.


Viking Mercury - Recommended Waterproofing Membrane Installation


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